
Ok got it figured. The "S" curve was causing the rear of the Forney to swing radically left then right causing anything behind it to snap off the track like the old game crack the whip. So I figured out by just placing a straight section between the curves would smooth out the curves. It worked great so now the tunnel could be nailed down and we could move on to the shelves.

Decisions, decisions. Sectional Track or Flex? Why not both? Sectional is pretty PRICEY even the CFO who don't know a track bolt from a track spike wouldn't go for the cost of doing the whole layout in sectional pieces. Plus the vary nature of the layout dictates that sectional track wont have exactly every piece I would need. So part of the layout will be sectional and the rest will be flex track. it will be covered in ballast anyway so the observer will be hard pressed to see the difference. Rolling on.

This subject will be... NOISE. Not the chuff of cylinders and the ding of a bell. This noise is the trains running on the shelf and its pretty loud even when the trains where going slow. So I decided to run the track on a 1" piece of foam. Boy that kills the noise BUT cutting all that foam is going to be a messy proposition but I'm up for it. The family may not be ready for it but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, Right? That's when the CFO has a brain storm lets go to Ontario, Ca to the Big Train Show!

If you haven't been to it you definitely need to go once. its not just G scale its got something in all scales. This year there was a booth for The Hot Wire Foam Factory. They sold hot wire tools for carving foam for many uses including building the railroad. Now i had a great tool for cutting up all this foam with a lot less mess. Time to try it out and see what we had.

Well the PG&YV even got its first rail fan!

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