Finally finished the track work to the Carma Gap High Bridge. Went to the end of the line then backed up to Lamont Siding. Hope you enjoy. By the way I seemed to have lost Sulley
Starting this blog to inform whomever that I (with ALOT of help from my Father in Law) have started building a On30 model railroad that when completed will circle around the family room, dining room and the kitchen. It will have approximately 105 feet of main line run a few bridges and some tunnels one that goes through the fireplace. The name we (that's my CFO and I) have chosen is... Phules Gold & Yensid Valley Rwy Only a Real Phule Would of Built a Railroad Here
I hope you can get the rest of your track down, I mean UP! Are you going to loop around or are you going to have an out & back layout?